Sometimes you just need to receive a truth directly so you can discern what is TRUTH for you.
Once we understand we have CPTSD, many of us want to know how to achieve efficient progress in CPTSD Resolution next.
In CPTSD Medicine, we use the term CPTSD Resolution to communicate that something has completed, closed, ended. “Having CPTSD” is something you no longer identify with. You had CPTSD and now you do not.
As I look back at my four years of guiding CPTSD Resolution, personally and professionally, there is one key factor that influences how efficient a CPTSD Resolution process will be: Intervention Potency.
These are things you can consider as you invest in and plan for your own CPTSD Resolution journey.
In CPTSD Medicine, our community average is about two years of making CPTSD Resolution a top-three priority until a system is unburdened almost fully and there is a final stage of refinement through embodiment and energetic cleansing and resetting.
In intervention science, one of the guiding principles is matching the strength of the effect with the potency of the intervention. Strong, enduring effects require equally strong, holistic interventions to create meaningful change in desired outcomes.
CPTSD has comprehensive effects on one’s life—affecting relationships, career, and overall well-being.
Any intervention aimed at resolving CPTSD must be as all-encompassing as the challenges it addresses.
This is why I often ask prospective clients, “Can you make your CPTSD resolution a top-three priority?” Without this level of commitment, lasting transformation becomes elusive.
Beyond symptom reduction, CPTSD offers a unique gift: the opportunity to dedicate yourself to a profound journey of personal development. Think of it as your own healing sabbatical, where the investment pays dividends for a lifetime.
It is worth sacrificing vacations, home remodels, and even delaying retirement savings, because the truth is if you are running Trauma Energies in your Information Processing Centers and your Energy Centers, you are not going to enjoy that vacation, your home will not be peaceful, and you will not relax into a Golden Era of retirement.
Nothing truly matters more than resolving your CPTSD
The intensive apprenticeship model of studying CPTSD Medicine has always just made so much sense to me. I am a former tenured associate professor at a research university, and so I know how powerful apprenticeship and mentorship are as models for growth and development.
In this sense, I am proud to claim how special CPTSD Medicine is.
We have adapted the researcher and scientific training model to the mental health treatment paradigm.
We are training humans to be their own best intervention scientist. In equipping humans with the skills they need to help themselves, we are working at the root cause of CPTSD, running disempowered trauma energies.
A potent intervention for CPTSD must include a robust empowerment mechanism. Without it, Self Belief and Trust are not likely to be restored and these are two of the most fundamental aspects of CPTSD Resolution.
Do you make fear-based decisions on the daily?
When you are living with Unresolved CPTSD you are often also living in fear. Fear that your partner will leave you. Fear that you will become penniless without a job. Fear that you are a fool, an evil person, or worthless. Fear that you are fat and lazy.
When we are making life decisions out of fear, those decisions are likely something that is going to need to be unwound or undone in the future.
It is a very exhausting way to live, because everything often needs a ‘redo’ or repair. We are constantly fixing or correcting our original decisions.
Notice, I did not say “mistake.” Because I don’t believe these fear-based decisions are mistakes. They can be powerful data sources for identifying the nature of the fear that your internal system is running. If you have frameworks for analyzing your decision-making patterns, you can distill powerful lessons. These lessons fuel the Unburdening of trauma energies.
When trauma energies are released in your internal system you have more access to Self Energy. When we are making Self-Energy-fueled decisions, we are trusting more, embodying more patience, and often can see things more clearly. With this new evidence that we can make wise decisions, we are no longer beholden to fear, and it becomes easier to show up in love.
When we approach life with love, everything unfolds naturally with grace and mercy. This is where all the laws of attraction make sense.
And yet, it takes a lot of courage to change. Many Parts of us are terrified to begin real-deal healing. At some deep level, your internal system and external ecosystem know that things cannot stay the same with your healing. Some tough conversations may be ahead. You will have to feel your feelings and that will be extremely uncomfortable at times. Your lifestyle might need to shift, and the bad habits you have justified will require examination. It can feel like a lot at first.
All that is required is that you take one small baby step a day to build enough trust in your internal system to begin a holistic, comprehensive healing sabbatical. During these two years, you will make your CPTSD Resolution a top three priority. On the Other Side, you can then make up for lost time.
One of the most detrimental consequences of untreated or unresolved CPTSD is selfishness, and so addressing selfishness in CPTSD healing directly and often is important.
It is not that you are selfish, or a bad human, but when your internal system is dominated by trauma energies, you are naturally selfish.
Because the presence of trauma energies indicates that there is a “burden” somewhere lodged in your internal system.
A burden is the wounding from a “lean in to connect when in distress” attempt as a human that does not result in the experience of unconditional love, or fierce protection, or wise compassion. It instead results in humiliation, silencing, rejection, betrayal, mocking, or gaslighting. When you lean in and receive relational poison, you sustain a wound. The relational poison leaves a mark.
Now, a burden can heal rather quickly if immediately thereafter there is an effective treatment of that wounding. Two effective treatments when administered immediately include:
Note, the older a human is and the less CPTSD treatment they have received the more susceptible they are to perceived woundings rather than actual woundings. This is due to the fact that they are running trauma energies looping back through old evidence and past timelines. Treat real and perceived woundings the same in terms of treatment.
If a wounding is not addressed immediately, it solidifies energetically. It is either absorbed into an existing fragment or Part of you, or it engenders a new fragmentation to adapt to the presence of this new energy. The wounding now transitions into a burden generating trauma energies.
When a human’s physical form can longer sustain itself and the internal system is running trauma energies, i.e., the human has untreated or unresolved CPTSD, in the break down of the physical form, Entities are formed. Entities are Parts + True Essence + Old Evidence Schemas that form more complete operating systems. Entities are not sustainable on their own energetically and must find a host. Without energetic protection, you absorb or inherit Entities. Entities have burdens, too.
When a human has Parts or Entities within their internal system with burdens, we are always tending to ourselves in some way, consciously or unconsciously. It is like hiking with a broken leg—you must focus on minimizing pain and survival, leaving little energy for anything else. They cannot really take in the natural world around them easily or provide additional support to others on the hike. They are required, due to their injury, to be selfish.
Hopefully now you are seeing the parallels.
When I say, open your eyes, It is a gentle reminder for you to really take in other humans in your trauma ecosystem. What are they experiencing? What trauma energies are they running? What old evidence are they looping through? Treat real and perceived woundings the same way.
None of these are an excuse for bad behavior or thoughtless actions, but just a reminder that with our own injuries we can be too focused on ourselves. The Call of the CycleBreaker is to see beyond Self, even early in your CPTSD Resolution process.
Honor your experience and the work you need to do for yourself, but also see how every human in trauma ecosystem is also suffering and in need of support and guidance.
We all need bridges. Not just us. The more we can open our eyes to our surroundings and truly see what is happening, the more we establish ourselves as leaders. Addressing selfishness in CPTSD requires leadership that can understand and work with self-focused schemas productively.