

You can be set free from the bondages of a wounded lineage, and with your permanent healing of CPTSD, Break The Cycle.


You once harbored the hope (perhaps you still do) –  That someone would swoop in to rescue you.
That some great arbiter of justice would show up to right the wrongs done to you.

That an escape button would magically appear to free you from the never-ending task of having to use all your might to prop up a perpetually collapsing world. 

If you are here, you’ve arrived at a brutal but empowering truth:

Freedom from suffering is not outside of you. 

It means that you can return to a Point of Pure Power with a heart as light as a feather, with complete dominion over your inheritance of hurt. 

You can be set free from the bondages of a wounded lineage, and with your permanent healing of CPTSD, Break. The. Cycle.

You can claim your role in the compassionate restoration of innocence and do so not only for your own salvation but for the evolution of humanity as a whole.

It is no coincidence that we are called to this work at this precise moment in time.

It’s for the ones who live right here and now – you and your children.

It’s for the ones to come – their children and theirs.

It’s for the ones past – your parents and grandparents who either could not or chose not to do this work.

An entire bloodline – past, present, and future – REDEEMED. 

This is your time to retreat from the only world you’ve ever known and enter into a training ground that will test, refine, purify, and set you free. 

As you kneel at the threshold of each Directional Calling, the weight of this undertaking will resonate deep in your bones.

As you master each Circuit of Healing Power, your efficacy will increase.

New manifested potentials emerge out of this REGENERATION - 
a limitlessness, boundlessness of being. 

Justice is an inevitable, rightful outcome of liberation.

You are not only calling forward your True Self, free from trauma and the conditioning of pain; you are emerging as a Warrior of the New Way.

From the inside-out, the Cycle Breaker RESTORES the original pure state of being and, in doing so, restructures reality.

This can be your work.
And you must embrace it, should you want to be free.

Your path to liberation lies within this truth:

No one is coming… 
But you can call forward the savior within. Someone utterly heroic lies at your innermost core and deep down inside you know it. It is the existence of this True Self that has sounded the siren and beckoned you to this work.

No one is coming…
But you are worthy of support and your desire to be helped is not misplaced. 

No one is coming…
But the Divine Forces all around you are prepared to meet you with care, love, protection, and a safe landing place if you take the courageous leap towards your healing. Health is your very right (the most primal one) and the resources to support it will materialize the moment you take the first step.

A progressive training program to break free from the stronghold of complex trauma.

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