You’ve analyzed every angle, weighed every option, tried everything to make it work. But the clarity you’re searching for won’t come from another conversation, another compromise, or another pros-and-cons list.
It will come from you. From healing the patterns that have shaped your choices. From unburdening what isn’t yours to carry. From learning to trust yourself—not from fear or urgency, but from deep, embodied knowing.
Before you decide about your marriage, you deserve to be fully restored to yourself. This is what the Healing Sabbatical is for—a guided, structured space to step away from survival mode, end the invisible labor contracts, and reclaim your inner authority.
This isn’t about your marriage.
It’s about you returning to yourself.
Heal first. Then decide.
You are a high achiever questioning your marriage and feeling pressure to decide.
You have spent years over-functioning, over-giving, and trying to fix things.
You are exhausted from looping through the same patterns but aren’t ready to make a rushed decision.
You want a structured process to help you find clarity before making any life-altering choices.
I know what it feels like to stand at the edge of a collapsing marriage, questioning whether the problem is the relationship or something deeper. I was a workaholic, addicted to achievement, and convinced I could think my way to clarity. When my second marriage reached its breaking point, I realized that until I addressed my complex trauma, nothing would change. The answer was not in fixing the marriage but in healing myself first. When survival patterns unravel, clarity is inevitable. If you are exhausted from trying to figure it out, this is your invitation to step back, reset, and restore yourself before making the biggest decision of your life.
I was sick and tired of repeat pattern-looping. Through my collaboration with Tanner, I successfully reached the other side of CPTSD. I now experience the sensation of operating with squeaky clean energy and a newfound sense of self. Tanner was an answer to my prayers.
— Linda S.
I came here feeling lost and hopeless about ever healing the deep attachment trauma that had shaped my life. I thought all the personal work I was doing would only help me manage the “symptoms.” But when the 24|25 Journey began, I realized I had been working with an incomplete set of tools—and for the first time, I saw the potential to heal myself for good. Now, I feel more balanced and confident. My habitual reactivity in a key relationship has nearly vanished, and I feel lighter in my body than ever before. This is only the beginning, and I am excited to see what unfolds next.
— Amy B.
Three years ago, I found myself at the lowest point in my life. I miraculously stumbled upon Tanner's podcast, and it changed my life in ways I still struggle to put into words. Tanner's contributions to the healing field are some of the most sacred initiations I have ever experienced. The CPTSD Medicine Protocol will always be one of the greatest gifts I could have ever received.
— Mariam B.
From broken relationships and a toxic work environment, Tanner helped me befriend the most aggressive and violent parts of me. She saved my life. So much has changed internally and externally since working with her. I would not be able to do all of this had I not met Tanner.
— Dana G.
You don’t have to keep spinning in confusion.
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