The healing protocol designed by Tanner Wallace is where you begin to – 

End the reign of CPTSD and dissolve the dark cloud that has loomed over your life for so long. You will learn a New Way of relating to crippling energies and circumstances as you discover that there are many useful treasures in the dark. 

Restore your sovereign right to actualize your potential unhindered by your traumatic past. You will begin to experience the life-giving creative power of operating in the domain of true freedom where crowning achievements become attainable. 

Redeem your lineage from generational bondages and give your loved ones the gift of a self determined future – one that’s not built on the same default (conditioned) choices that have robbed you of so much. You’ll set the stage to leave an inheritance that you are proud to pass on. 

Emerge with a purer spirit and potent Healing Power as you uncover your True Self Essence & Expertise and learn to radiate a lighter, cleaner frequency. You will realize a readiness and willingness to orient yourself towards the excellent service of others as your inner light grows and extends out into the world.

Is it even possible?

Imagine for a moment a life completely free of CPTSD.

If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve been journeying towards a resolution for some time now. 

Deep down you know there’s more LIFE awaiting you on the other side of complex trauma. And you are ready to embrace the possibility that the enduring pains and dysfunctions that have shadowed your life can finally find their end. 

Maybe you’ve become disillusioned with a career that no longer fulfills you, or your soul is weary from the relentless fatigue that greets you at each day's end. 

Maybe your situation is more pressing: your marriage teeters precariously on the edge of collapse, or you've begun to notice the haunting signs of complex trauma manifesting in your children.

Maybe it's the moments alone that speak volumes, the ever-present anxiety that seems to cloud the most mundane events, or the relationships you find increasingly difficult to navigate.

Or perhaps your healing journey has become as great a burden as what you’re healing from. You’re tired of having to constantly nurse the pieces of yourself that others mishandled. You’re wiped out by how high-maintenance your attempt at normalcy is. You’re wondering if you’ve been signed up (against your will) for a lifetime of playing a million different caretaking roles to all the splintered parts of you. 

This is where it
all changes

But know this: breaking free from the hold of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder demands more than a wish and a prayer.

It requires a holistic healing protocol, delivered within a nurturing space that grants you Full Permission to embrace every facet of your being.

Full permission isn’t just about your authentic self being accepted. 

It’s about receiving respect for the valuable contributions you have to make, no matter who you are or how well you’re handling your trauma. It’s also about being in a space that is REAL about the urgency you may feel for timely, tangible outcomes. You want to be healed and you want it complete while there’s time to redeem the life you’ve lost. 

The CPTSD Medicine Training Program is the only healing protocol for CPTSD that boldly stands behind the claim of permanent healing.  

This journey isn’t just mere self-discovery – it's you joining us in altering the course of human evolution through the powerful act of CycleBreaking.

The years you devote to the CPTSD Medicine Training Program is not just an investment in time – it's a commitment to a Total Life Transformation that will redefine your very existence.

Who will you be at the end of it all? 

I can’t wait to find out.

Put An End to Your Complex Trauma 

Each week, you'll delve deeper into a discovery of your innate talents, creating a sustainable wellspring of Healing Power that will eventually put an end to your complex trauma. 


Here you will experience significant personal growth through unburdening your mind, body, heart, and soul of trauma. You will identify where things need to shift in your relational field in order to support your health and wellbeing. As we progress through the 7 Sets of Teachings, you will unveil your True Self Essence & Expertise.

Instead of giving your power away, you will be leading yourself to the other side of CPTSD Recovery through your daily devotional practice.

Phase 1 - The Curriculum : Studying & Experiencing “The Healing Protocol”

Here you will experience mastery of applying all facets of the healing protocol through an apprenticeship with Tanner. You will facilitate supervised sessions with clients in order to improve your skills and gain confidence with all aspects of the CPTSD Medicine healing protocol. As you progress through the practitioner-in-training experience, you will be ready to practice as a network provider.

Instead of waiting for something in your life to change, you will embody your newly uncovered True Self Essence & Expertise to command authority through your presence and vision, and you will have a professional career in exact alignment of this all.

Phase 2 - The Clinicals: Practicing “The Medicine” 

Leading Your Own Liberation

Honing Your Healing Touch & Elevating Your Practice 


You become a Devotee | Exploration of The Healing Protocol 

You will…Feel the soul-deep satisfaction and relief of finally having a structure to actualize your potential. Witness your limitations dissolve with each passing day as your skillset mastery increases.  Achieve clinical competence in the administration of the CPTSD Medicine healing protocol and the leading of Unburdening, Integration, and Embodiment Sequences.


You become a Practitioner-In-Training | Introduction to Clinical Skills | Supervision of Independent Practice

You will... Drop into a new state of mind as you learn a fresh approach to dealing with your personal challenges. Receive the potent medicine that Tanner has developed over years of study, experimentation, and experience.  Enjoy the profound lightness and vitality that comes with resolving layers of trauma that have kept you either paralyzed or moving in circles for so long. 

When you’ve completed trauma resolution during your Recovery Cycle, your time in The Training Program may be extended by an apprenticeship with Tanner in the art and science of CPTSD Medicine.

Upon graduation

You become a Network Provider

You will…Receive a treasure trove of resources, support, and opportunities for growth. Benefit from strategic partnerships and promotion provided on your behalf.  Experience the warmth and solidarity of a community that feels like family.

The next cohort of devotees enters the CPTSD Medicine Training Program on October 10, 2024.

The CPTSD Medicine Training Program is anchored in a transformative, multidimensional curriculum (AKA “the healing protocol”) inviting you on a journey of self-discovery and healing like no other. This unique methodology combines powerful modalities such as Internal Family Systems, Human Design, breathwork, Gene Keys, Elemental Medicine, Divine Archetypal Resonances, Ancestral Medicine, and Energetic Stewardship. These fusions create a holistic framework that honors the developmental nature of CPTSD.

At the heart of this program is synergy. Science and spirituality unite for the sake of your transformation. Ancient wisdom and modern insights converge for the sake of collective healing. You and Tanner step forward in equal devotion for the cause of ENDING complex trauma. 

Our curriculum is designed to give you an in-depth understanding of a wide array of healing practices while offering the support and guidance you need every step of the way. This program is crafted to fit alongside your work, family, and personal commitments, ensuring your healing journey is integrated seamlessly into your daily life.

Central to your experience is the vibrant community we cultivate, where diversity and individual journeys are deeply valued. Here, you'll connect with like-minded souls, each on their unique path towards healing and personal growth.

Our learning materials are designed to serve as powerful tools for personal empowerment and collective restoration. They offer everything you need for a self-led healing journey, paving the way for breaking cycles of trauma and building a legacy of resilience for future generations.

Our live experiences are crafted to deepen your personal growth and connect you with a greater sense of purpose. Each experience enriches your ability to manage life, opening up possibilities for your future planning and unique contributions to the world.

Our accountability structures help you unearth your most stubborn and deep-seated survival instincts with grace. By addressing internal and external blocks to your True Self, you'll not only advance in your own healing, but also begin to radiate Healing Power throughout your relationships and communities.

The strength of our program lies in our community—your source of inspiration and companionship on this shared journey of healing. This special connection is the lifeline of our work. By participating in this warm and supportive group, you unlock your unique medicine and innate gifts. Together, we're rewriting the narrative of brokenness, creating a future where our children and their children are released from the bondage of trauma.

With Tanner as your guide, you'll be tapped into an unparalleled Healing Power, that of a 5/1 Generator, filtered through a Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Libra Rising. Tanner's working relationship with the underworld sovereign - the Motherless Mother - allows her to hold space for you and your darkest energy. She is equipped to guide you through inner alchemy that transmutes what has felt like a cosmic weight on your back into Source Energy. This supported, yet self-led journey, empowers you to embrace a life filled with purpose, vitality, and profound meaning. Here is where your transformation truly begins.

Tuition for the Recovery Cycle of the CPTSD Training Program is $12,500 US dollars that must be paid in full prior to the first day of training.

Read our full Refund Policy here. 



As we return to whom we were meant to be, trauma-free.


“The healing protocol” is a collection of frameworks, activities, directives, questions, and concepts distilled into 5 training guides. Each guide is a named Directional Calling focused on a distinct Circuit of Healing Power. 

These teachings structure a Self-Led journey through the UNBURDENING, INTEGRATION, and EMBODIMENT sequences. Following the healing protocol moves us physically, psychically, energetically, emotionally, and spiritually through the release of hurt and darker energy. You will completely retrieve and heal fragmented Parts of your soul as well as align your day-to-day actions with your True Self Essence & Expertise - again and again and again. 

Much work has gone into crafting this specific methodology to bring lasting resolution to complex trauma, yet the essence of the healing protocol is embedded deep in our collective psyche. In that way, we are tapping into the innate wisdom of our innermost True Self about what it means to be WHOLE.

As we move into deep layers of trauma and conditioning, truths about the human experience are revealed. Unexpected medicinal portals open up during the journey and they bring us many gifts: redemption, liberation, contentment, love, abundance.

A journey through the CPTSD Medicine healing protocol is an individual experience, but also a decidedly collective experience of belonging and understanding. No two journeys through are ever the same, whether it’s by two separate individuals or the same individual journeying through them multiple times. 

As your perspective shifts and your Healing Power strengthens, more revelations come. Your devotion to the heroic work of transmuting darker, shadowy energy into light grants you purer, more pristine states of Self Energy. 

A journey through the healing protocol is anchored in Full Moon energy. Bright, bold, radiating light calling out to all the lost souls searching for answers.
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